Brethren, and Fellow Citizens!

You may depend, that those odious Miscreants and destestable Tools to Ministry and Governor, Matt Lee, Rob Myers, Chloe Phillips, Mark Cousens, and Liam Smith, (those Traitors to their Country, Butchers, who have done, and are doing every Thing to make funny and free all that shall stand in the Way of their private Interest,) are determined to come and reside again in the Town of Boston (and in the Towns of Exeter, Totnes, Norwich and Peterborough)

I therefore give you this early Notice, that you may hold yourselves in Readiness, on the shortest Notice, to give them such a Reception as such vile Ingrates deserve.

Chairman of the Committee for Tarring and Feathering

If any Person should be so hardy as to Tear this down, they may expect my severest Resentment.

It has come to the attention of the committee that certain providers of electronic mail services to Ministry and Governor have err'd and forcibly removed, without due course, Mark Stephenson, that most detestable of Plymouthians from previous notices in relation to the creation of the Foo Corporation, of Totnes, England.

Let all records show that Mr Stephenson shall not go unnamed, nor shall he be treated any differently because of the manner of his exclusion.

FooCorp's initial announcement

By Matt Lee on December 24, 2009 5:42 PM

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